July 16 @ 8:00 am - July 18 @ 4:00 pm
$300.00 – $600.00Sponsor Contract
23rd Mental Health Summer Symposium
The Paragon Casino/Resort
You can choose to sponsor the conference for one full day or all three days.
What’s included in your sponsorship:
- Recognition on the website
- Exhibit Table
- Recognition included in the materials provided to participants
- Recognition on social media outlets: facebook and linked in
- Breakfast Buffet – no more than 2 people
- Opportunity to include promotional materials in the conference bags (deadline to submit materials is May 1st)
- Complimentary conference registration for one person (this only pertains to sponsors who select the 3-day option)
- Email blast to all attendees acknowledging conference sponsorship
Names of participants to receive complimentary registration should be emailed to lisa@professionaltrainingresourcesinc.com
Please email the company logo to lisa@professionaltrainingresourcesinc.com
You will be contacted with details at a future date!!